
Segel elastis anu luhur / acrypion elastice polyborn

Katerangan pondok:

Harga Kemplat China Plat, lempeng polimér, sakumaha kapang anu dienging nyarios yén kuring ogé ogé yén mesen ngarencanakeun sareng sami sareng gambar anjeun atanapi bungkusan custom. The main goal of the company is to live a satisfactory memory to all the customers, and establish a long term win-win business relationship. Kanggo inpo langkung lengkep, émut tiasa ngahubungi kami. Sareng éta pelesir urang upami anjeun resep gaduh rapat pribadi di kantor kami.

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Indikator kinerja
Katingali cair biru
Eusi padet 50 ± 2
Viskose.cps 5000-9000cps
PH 6.5-7.5
TG -15

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Polulsi Checkice Checkice Elryik

Acrylic Hermole Checyborne Chrimmorne Chicirer pikeun sealant (2)

Acrylic Hermole Checyborne Checkyborne Chicirer pikeun sealant (3)

Polulsi Checkice Checkice Elryik

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